**1.** Firstly, a look at the public school system in China is needed to understand how it compares with private schools: "The Chinese government has implemented many policies and programs aimed at increasing access to quality education for all students" (Find Work Abroad). The introduction of this article mentions that Teaching in china should be understood by everyone before going into any further discussion, so the first thing we need is an understanding what it really means. **2** , For instance: "I think there are two things which will get you ahead of most folks - hard work and dumb luck," said Mike Bloomberg when speaking about his experiences at a private school in China; this quote comes from someone who knows both public schools (he was home-schooled) + privates ("Bloomberg on the Run") ; alternatively he notes that "I don't think any amount of money is going to make you happy, it all depends what type jobs are available". This shows how some people's experiences teaching in china could be completely different even when they have access to public and private systems. **3** , In a country like China where many teachers get assigned positions at either one or the other - having this information is especially valuable: The job system has led to much frustration among Chinese citizens, because there are some who will never actually teach in chinese class due their background ("Find Work Abroad"). A perspective from someone with experience working for private schools could be that "the difference between public and a priviate school can make or break the future of students - The teachers should all have this same thought". **4** , For example, there might also come to mind if they are teaching in china how much better their lives would become by understanding some background information about private/public chinese schools ("Find Work Abroad"). A perspective from someone who is working for a public school could be that "my students aren't satisfied with the quality of education at our institution - it's not just me, this was said before too". This shows there are still improvements needed to meet teachers needs while also satisfying all their bosses: ("Find Work Abroad") **5** , On another note some people who have taught in china might be better off if they were working for a private school after having worked at an assigned public chinese job - this can especially happen when someone is young and hasn't had the opportunity to gain experience from teaching adults. "If I could go back, Id choose my priviate option again" **6**, This shows that some people may benefit more if they were working in a private school after having been given an assigned position by chinese public schools - which will be discussed further with examples ("Find Work Abroad"). In many cases these two types of teaching jobs are the same, except students must work much harder to get into priviate classes than their counterparts attending other educational instutions. **7**, For example there is also a difference between private vs pubilc schools - while public ones could have syudents who dont even meet basic requirements ("Find Work Abroad") shows some important points from someone whos worked for both ('David Bloomberg) "Ive managed to teach classes with privates and students that arent in any type of class (public), its not a job Id recommend, they can get pretty old". **8** , This article mentions Teaching China Public Vs Private School - which should be understood by all before making an attempt at teaching there ("Find Work Abroad"). In conclusion to this article about the differences between public and private schools in china: "I think that after you figure out your privates, it will give a great impression of what chinese teachers are like," said Mike Bloomberg when asked for his thoughts on how things might be different - both being positive ("Find Work Abroad"). Teaching China Public Vs Private Schools # 1. Firstly, look at the public school system in china to understand this subject; "The Chinese government has implemented many policies and programs aimed at increasing access." 2. The quote from Mike Bloomberg comes from someone whos worked for both private/public chinese job - shows us experiences teaching could be completely different even when they have acess. 3. In a country like China where teachers get assigned positions, having this information is valuable: "The difference between public and priviate school can make or break the future." 4. For example there might come to mind how much better their lives would become if understanding chinese private/public schools - ("Find Work Ab abroad"). 5. Some people who have taught in china are young they havent had opportunity, this shows some may benefit more working at a priviate option. 6. These two teaching jobs could be the same except students must work to get into classes which will discussed with examples from "find job aboard". 7. For example there is also difference between private vs public school - while ones can have syudents dont meet basic requirements ("Find Work Abroad") shows some important points; managed privates and