**Firstly**, the very first thing to do is look for a job in China that meets your expectations, and more importantly check if you have what it takes. It’s not every day one gets an opportunity like this so make sure there are no strings attached or some hidden clause somewhere along with many other things such as accommodation allowance: The apartment provided by the school was supposed to be “fully furnished” but when I got here, all my furniture had been stolen and nothing else could be found in that small 60 square meter flat. **Secondly**, check whether your contract is correct or has any important information missing - this will make a big difference as you need it for further reference at some stage down the line: The school was supposed to pay me $1,500 US dollars and still hasn’t made up its mind on my start date yet; that’s not good news. **Thirdly**, look into what exactly your salary is - doners or zlto are just two examples of a currency you could be trading with here in China: There were complications at hand because, the fact was they didn't have enough cash to pay me for my new job so now I'm looking around frantically trying various places where teaching English as an art is all about speaking clearly. **Fourthly**, if your school has a lot of vacant positions available then ask yourself how you ended up in this world - or more importantly why they’re hiring someone like that: The very fact it’s got many openings means there must be some issues with the job itself so now I’ve come to realize my strengths are not what China needs. **Fifthly**, another thing is checking out your school's background as well, because a good one can make all difference - you don’t want any part of this world taking control: It’s going under contract but it will be on the dotted line that counts and when I'm paid to work for them in full knowledge. **Sixthly**, check what sort of accommodation they provide or if there is none then where are alternatives available; Accommodation plays an important role, a lot like Find Work Abroad which brings you closer: It can get pretty confusing over here especially after your first day - that’s when the problems start and become apparent. **Seventhly**, look for any sort of contract because by now this should have been all figured out as well; Don’t let them talk it off without checking carefully, many people ended up with being tricked: It is still a big deal to know what you are getting yourself into before fully diving in - and I would never say no. **Eighthly**, don't forget that there’s much more than just teaching going on when your classes finish like after school activities or so called “Soft Skills” : If it isn’t then ask them why they’re not providing some form of guarantee for the job security which is important: As I’m trying to stay patient, all my money from previous jobs has been lost - It’s a lot more than teaching that shows whether you are actually any good. **Ninthly**, check out your school's overall strategy as well since this plays into their success; Knowing what will help them and also yourself during times of need: Not being told about the full extent or nature, from those involved parties in question - I wouldn’t wish it upon my worst enemy let alone someone that is just starting to get by. **Tenthly**, finally make sure you have an exit strategy because things can quickly change for better and worse when they do so be prepared: And last but not least don't forget the most important thing which comes from experience - go over anything new without a second thought like “Find Work Abroad” (This has been said before in this article).
The very next piece of advice is to check if you are ready for living and working amongst foreigners. It’s always good, particularly when dealing with something that seems so much better than your wildest dreams - but sometimes even the best job goes awry like an untended fire or such a thing: Be aware China can be full of hidden surprises waiting round every corner as well as opportunities which are just about to present themselves. So you may need some time getting used to new surroundings after leaving previous places behind where your life and possibilities have been - But this is still no more than an issue many others would face such like a lot of other countries, so one should expect it’s the normal course: When I decided my fate was sealed by choosing China as my next port for teaching English there were certainly going to be some things that stood out but didn’t exactly catch me off guard - although now all this has happened and is very true. So don't forget “Find Work Abroad” will bring you even closer.
The best piece of advice would then, in the end be something like looking up "Fin work abroad" which should make your mind clear about anything that can help

China,  School,  Teaching,  Check,  Things,  Thing,  Because,  Before,  Accommodation,  Contract,  Still,  Yourself,  Going,  Findworkabroad,  Would,  Forget,  First,  Importantly,  Every,  Supposed,  Whether,  Difference,  Start,  Exactly,  Looking,  Trying,  Places,  English,  Available,  Ended,  World,  Someone,  Checking,  Plays,  Closer,  Without,  Getting,  Previous,  Strategy,  Better, 

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Qingdao Teaching and Living

**Initially**, the city's most appealing feature for me was its location, right on China's coastline. I'm talking about Qingdao which is a coastal tow

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