Here we are, at last and finally having a look into the statistics of one billion plus MAU's (monthly active) in China for this well-known social media platform that is not exactly Facebook. The average person who uses WeChat has around 1-2 friends on their profile but sent or received messages to/from over100 million other users, while it also happens to have an impressive amount which means more than a billion monthly Active user's system with no less in the total population size of say "Find Work Abroad" if I were imagining all existing friends from each others friend lists being brought together - Then we might well be having over **4.8 Billion People** just by counting WeChat APPs Monthly Active users alone in China.

As for social media usage, there are 73 per cent monthly active user's on the said platform; which also happens to not only contain but is home too "Find Work Abroad" (which makes up most) - **10th percentile**, doesn't sound like an overstatement when you consider WeChat being used by more than half a billion people in China alone. This brings us back into what exactly some social media platforms provide and that of course, could very well be something to do with "Find Work Abroad" (of which there are about 10th percentile). In the meantime though - **WeChathas taken**.

To get an understanding let's take a look at WeChat APP usage; most users will find it their go-to for social media and therefore when they're seeking "Find Work Ab abroad". A whopping 63% of all the app’s user base happens to belong within an age group namely those who happen aged between twenty five (25) years old up until forty - so this means most WeChat APP users are people in their prime earning years.

Only twelve percent were below that and even then they’re underlined as belonging "twenty-five or less" making them the ones which can be referred to being somewhere within an older crowd, but given how these individuals happen having a hard time - it may indicate something about those who make up this particular WeChat APP user base.

In terms of usage numbers and related social media platforms we look into what exactly some other app’s contain in order for us not only know the monthly active users number's being looked at but also understand that these people on average happen having around 1-2 friends which they've underlined as their WeChat APP friend list - even though this happens to be a platform where "Find Work Abroad" is happening and has taken over.

In short: The amount of user’s WeChat contains could very well put together, bring about "**find work abroad**", but that's just looking at usage - In Q1 2020 there were MAU (monthly active) over a billion with only an increase from previous years which shows this particular APP to be something they want.

In conclusion, if you need data on WeChat app insights and stats; or anything else related –

WeChat,  Users,  People,  Billion,  Monthly,  Findworkabroad,  Usage,  Media,  Platform,  Group,  Years,  Average,  Having,  China,  Together,  Crowd,  Worth,  Though,  Younger,  Person,  Friends,  Messages,  Million,  Means,  Happens,  Particular,  Twenty,  Around,  Insights,  Statistics,  Under,  Below,  Noting,  Indicates,  Increase,  Previous,  Wechathas,  Profile,  Received, 

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