Philippe Klein

Note from the editor :. In this new series, we share stories and experiences that show how expatriates are dealing with the outbreak of the new pneumonia coronavirus

After convincing most of his patients and his wife and son to go back to France after blocking Wuhan, Philippe Klein, a French doctor, he decided to remain at the epicenter of the outbreak of novel coronavirus pneumonia.

is busy caring for patients in the city, including going to their homes for treatment of chronic diseases or provide psychological well-being, and lead to pharmacies to medication order, which offers patients .

"I'm a doctor, so I have to do my job and my duty," said Klein, a general practitioner in Wuhan Union hospital in Hubei Province.

Before the authorities in Wuhan sealed the city, the suspension of all departing flights and trains in late January to contain the highly infectious coronavirus, Klein served about 500 foreigners living in Wuhan, most of them French.

After the outbreak, closed his clinic in the hospital to reduce the chances of infection to their patients. Instead, he began to diagnosis and treatment at the home of the patient.

With an increasing number of new cases of coronavirus reported every day, hospitals in Wuhan have mobilized to fight the disease, with few doctors and nurses who leave to treat patients with other diseases, he said .

"my patients told me it would be better for them to evacuate because it could be difficult for them to get proper treatment here," he said. Most foreign patients knew who returned to France and other European countries evacuations organized by their governments, Klein said.

Some, however, decided to stay for different reasons, such as having a loved one in Wuhan or have a business there that they did not want to leave, he said.

But as she continued seeing patients, Klein found a slight fever had and may be infected with the virus, so he decided to send his wife and son back to France.

"When I got back home after seeing patients, not I felt very comfortable. I really do not want to jeopardize my family, so I asked my wife to Wuhan license in the second level, organized by the French government, "he said. "My son was crying when we split it, but it was better for them to leave Wuhan and let me do my job. They were also very proud because I was doing my duty here."

In addition to his sense of duty as a doctor, said he also chose to stay because of his deep affection for the people and the city, where he lives for six years.

"People in Wuhan is very friendly to the French, and here I feel like a star at times," he said.

Witnessing blocking a large city with 11 million people, which is rare in human history, has made a big impact on Klein. He said he is touched by the sacrifice Wuhan residents have made to contain the outbreak.

"Last month was the crazy month of my professional life," he said. "I would tell people of Wuhan and the Chinese people will overcome this epidemic.

" and sacrifice, courage, solidarity, will bear fruit. It will be an example for the world to make such a sacrifice to protect the rest of the world. "

Wuhan,  Patients,  Klein,  French,  People,  Doctor,  Outbreak,  Coronavirus,  France,  Decided,  Treatment,  Leave,  Because,  Sacrifice,  Philippe,  Pneumonia,  Blocking,  Diseases,  Hospital,  Contain,  Would,  Better,  Organized,  Seeing,  World,  Stays,  Editor,  Series,  Share,  Stories,  Experiences,  Expatriates,  Dealing,  Convincing,  Remain,  Epicenter,  Novel,  Caring,  Including, 

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