In the past, the mere idea of noisily sipping noodles in the open might have made you cringe, or the notion of squabbling over a couple of yuan could have seemed petty. But look at you now! You've navigated the throngs of China's lively streets like a seasoned expert, effortlessly weaving yourself into the dynamic tapestry of this bustling culture. Wondering if you've truly arrived? Well, let's explore - here are six unmistakable indicators that you've not just visited, but you've become a bona fide part of life in China.
First off, and it's a biggie, you've mastered the art of the midday siesta.
In the beginning, the sight of your colleagues conked out at their desks post-lunch was as perplexing as a panda on a skateboard. Back home, napping on the job was a one-way ticket to unemployment. Fast forward a few years, and what do we have here? You've embraced the rejuvenating powers of the power nap.
Ah, the quintessential human experience of embracing the midday slumber, an endeavor not reserved solely for toddlers and cats! Perchance you lack the accouterments of a professional napper—a luxurious repose platform or a contraption that mercilessly tears you from the arms of Morpheus with the subtlety of a marching band. Yet, in the tranquil interludes of a less tumultuous p.m., you find yourself an ardent devotee of the horizontal life, engaging in the ancient art of the power nap, albeit without the fanfare of a dedicated siesta infrastructure.
Moreover, let us not overlook the seismic shift in your gustatory preferences, a transformation so profound that it borders on the culinary absurd. Recall with amusement the epoch when the mere waft of stinky tofu's redolent bouquet had you sprinting faster than a gazelle evading a lion's clutches. Now, in a turn of events that would leave your younger self agape, you partake in this fermented bean curd with the gusto of a starving artist at a banquet, treating it with the reverence of a cherished familial dessert. Your taste buds, once naive and unadventurous, now boldly charter the vast expanse of flavors, often pining for the complex symphony of a Sichuan hot pot or the comforting embrace of a perfectly steamed baozi. The once almighty cheeseburger now plays second fiddle to your cosmopolitan palate's eclectic whims.
And let us not mince words about your third transformation—the metamorphosis into a veritable mercantile warrior in the bustling markets. There, amidst the cacophony and chaos, you wield your haggling prowess with the finesse of a seasoned diplomat, parrying and thrusting in the delicate dance of commerce. Gone are the days of meek acquiescence to the first price uttered; you now enter the fray with the confidence of a swashbuckler, your sharp wits cutting through inflated prices like a hot knife through butter. Indeed, you have become the bargaining ninja, stealthy and shrewd, leaving merchants both impressed and slightly bewildered by your negotiating acumen.
Markets are no longer intimidating battlegrounds but playgrounds where you flex your negotiation muscles. You haggle with such finesse that even the vendors have to tip their hats to your bartering prowess. Paying full price is a concept that now seems as foreign as ketchup on rice.
Fourthly, your WeChat game is on point.
You use it for everything – chatting, paying bills, ordering food, and even booking doctor's appointments. The app has become an extension of your hand, and you can't imagine how you ever lived without it.
Fifthly, your language skills are off the charts. You've gone from nodding and smiling awkwardly to cracking jokes and discussing politics in Mandarin.
The locals look at you not just with surprise but with respect for your linguistic achievements.
Sixthly and finally, you've got the squat toilet technique down to a fine art. The Western porcelain throne is no longer the only seat in the house for you. You've embraced the health benefits and, let's be honest, the sheer practicality of the squat position.
Now, let's switch gears for a moment.
If you're new to China and dreaming of assimilation, you might be wrestling with the idea of teaching English as a gateway to this dynamic culture. In that case, you should definitely check out "Find Work Abroad: Teaching English in China: Unraveling the Enigma and Embracing the Adventure". It's a must-read for anyone looking to navigate the challenges and joys of starting a new life in the Middle Kingdom.
But don't just take my word for it.
Here's what long-time expat and English teacher, Emma Richardson, has to say: "Moving to China can be a whirlwind, but once you're over the culture shock, it's an incredible experience. I found that teaching English here was the perfect stepping stone to understanding the culture deeply."
On the other hand, James Li, a Beijing-born tech consultant who spent his formative years abroad, shares, "Seeing foreigners adapt to life in China is fascinating. They start off sticking out like a sore thumb, but before you know it, they're queuing up for jianbing with the best of them."
Whether you’re contemplating a move, or you're already knee-deep in the China experience, keep an eye out for these six signs.