We've all heard about culture shock that many foreigners experience when China first step, but what is less well documented is the reverse culture shock those same foreigners go through when they return to their countries of origin. reverse culture shock can take many forms, some less obvious than others. Here are five of the most common cases experienced by expatriates returning home from China

Source :. Brooke Cagle

1. The way that cities realize the dream

Although there are now a handful of places 24 hours in most cities around the world, some countries are so active all night as China. Whether it's fast food restaurants, online deliveries, night bars and clubs, or fruit stores even life in China never seems to close up shop.

It is a way of life that not even realize you used to until you return to your home country. Suddenly, there are shops close at 17:00 and can not be opened from the entire Sundays, bars all close at 11 pm, and is not able to order food at 2am. While this may be all normal sense to you before, you are now frustrated endless can not do what he wants, when he wants.

2. The way we pay for things

In a very short period of time, China has almost completed the transition to a cashless society. If it comes to paying your taxi, get in a restaurant tab, reload your card meter, or pay monthly bills, almost all transactions in China can now be done through Alipay payment or WeChat. mobile payments have replaced the need to carry cash, and the only time most people use an ATM in these days is to deposit money rather than remove it.

While contactless credit cards are increasing worldwide, the speed and extent of adoption has not been as rapid or absolute. A arriving back in their home country, it is easy to find yourself out of cash because you are very useful for payment with the phone. You may have to keep reminding yourself to make regular trips to the ATM to get cash for buses, suggestions and other small expenses. Worse, you have to enter all the details of your credit card every time you want to pay for things online.

3. Applications that use

The way the Internet has been developed and monitored in China has effectively led to the mainland has its own applications for everything. While in the West they use WhatsApp, Uber, Spotify and Amazon in China use WeChat, Didi, QQ Music, and Taobao. It is basically an alternative universe of applications.

A traveling from one realm to another, which is often forced to start again in the relevant set of applications, either because the applications that are used to Aren 't available in that country or because their friends are all on the alternative system.

it can be difficult to wean their Chinese applications when you return home. All these playlists you spent hours making the QQ Music no longer work and have to start again in Spotify. stop publication will be on WeChat moments and collect new Instagram. Worst of all, you have to accept that there can no longer take advantage of all the great deals on Taobao and Amazon have to settle instead.

4. The way we eat

Eating a meal in China is often a much more social experience of what it is in the West. People ask together, eat together, toast together, and even cooked with the stew or enjoy a barbecue. Sometimes it takes the new China expatriates time to get used to this style of eating family, but once you do, you'll wonder how you eaten any other way.

It can be a shock, therefore, when you first go out for meals again with friends and family back home. People ask dishes just for themselves without an idea of ​​sharing with others, and asking to try the food from someone else can cause serious step in social false. Eating out in your home country can feel like a strangely cool experience after years of living in China.

5. The way we talk

It's amazing how evolved our use of language while living in China. Some Chinese words and phrases, such as keyi (CAN), mafan (annoying) and suibian (lo / relaxed) become so ingrained in our vocabulary that you begin to use instead of English.

Meanwhile, whether consciously or not, we begin to change the way you speak English so it is easier for locals and expatriates from other countries understand us. Many of us lose our accents and adopt a more neutral tone of voice. We started talking more slowly, we adjust our vocabulary, and sometimes results in Chinglish.

A the return to their country of origin may be an uncomfortable experience as a result. Friends and family might think you're ashamed of where you are, because he has lost his accent. They may even accuse you of condescension speaking slowly and enunciate your words too much. This is often the most difficult because it's not even something that is aware that he is doing. Sometimes not even realize how much China has changed until they leave.

Have you experienced a culture shock reverse to the return to their country of origin from China? Tell us about it in the comments section.


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