No matter where you are, you will experience some days that are not as big as others. People around the world are going through some ups and downs at this time, and while things seem to be improving in China, per day are common here, even in normal times. In China, these so-called "Bad Days in China" may be the result of a myriad of factors, whether the stress of the barrier of language, nostalgia, relationship problems or work pressures. No matter the reason, there are several proactive steps to take to overcome the blues while in China. Let's take a look p>
Source :. Hannah k p> 1. Physical Get
"Mind over matter" is a common approach when it comes to difficult times, but "body on the matter" has its place too. Physical activity promotes serotonin and dopamine activity in the brain that helps relieve stress and improve mood. While your gym still be closed, most of us are now able to go jogging or take a stroll in the fresh air. Even doing a yoga session 20 minutes at home will allow your mind to take a break while your body is engaged in a physical activity. Exercise may not be a cure-all solution, but it's a great place to start if you have felt low. P> 2. Leverage your social network
Talk, or in some cases, "ventilation" could be just what you need to get out from under his dark cloud. Now people in China will finally leave, you will find that putting in the effort to maintain a good network of friends will provide ample opportunity to take your mind off your worries, if only for one night. If you are still quarantined or not so interested in going out at this time, reach your online community instead and schedule video calls with your nearest and dearest worldwide. P>
Too often, we try to manage everything ourselves. But at the end of the day, humans are social creatures that need face to face interactions in order to have a positive and healthy life. When you feel ready to start expanding your social network in China, consider saying yes more often to invitations from friends, going to events like a trivia night, take a cooking class, attend a lecture / speech, or to participate in any group activity that will give you the opportunity to meet more people. There are plenty of websites and WeChat groups that can keep you on the events in any Chinese city that is based on, in order to use these resources and get out there. P> 3. Consider a career change
If you are having down days more often than it is having good morning, think about where you're spending most of your time. Spend 40 hours a week (or more) in our work has a significant impact on our mental health we often realize. Maybe you're working too hard, your boss is unbearable, or just do not like the career you have chosen. P>
Of course, changing jobs is easier said than done in China, especially when a work visa is transferred, but with so many foreigners currently outside China, either by choice or by force, there are now plenty of companies looking expatriate workers. At least, take a close look at how their happiness is related to their work could provide that to make better decisions related to work in the future. P> 4. To develop better habits / change your routine
Sometimes a bad situation has a direct effect on how we feel. Other times, is the culmination of our habits and daily routine that slowly chips away at our mental health. Especially in recent times, many of us in China have seen our regular schedule out the window, which can have a serious imbalance effect. P>
Note how much sleep you're getting, what time you're up in the morning, the amount of exercise you do per week, the amount of time spent with others face alone, and how often talk to their loved ones. It's easy to get caught in a little healthy routine, especially when we are stressed and long working hours. Changing your routine can not only stimulate your mind, but also have a positive effect on your mood. These things may seem small or insignificant when taken on their own, but added together they can dramatically improve a negative mindset. P> 5. Consult a professional / Find a support group
As a foreigner in China, which is never alone in having a bad day or a general feeling of unhappiness. If the tips mentioned above have not helped, worth considering talking to a professional or find a support group, especially if you have recently suffered a trauma such as death of a loved one or a bad breakup. Whatever is going on, other people have always experienced the same or similar. P>
If you find yourself with a lot of bad days in China, can be a symptom of a deeper problem rooted. Psychological health is as important as physical health, and everything should look at things in our lives from time to time in order to establish what can be adjusted to achieve a healthier life and ultimately mentality more positive. Down days they are something we all deal with, but if you do not exercise, eat nutritious food, enough to get sunlight and enough sleep, eat positive, and surround yourself with support, you are not giving yourself a chance to fight. Down days they are going to happen, that is inevitable, especially in China, but being aware of the things in our lives that have an impact on our mental health, we will be better equipped to make the changes we need to be happy. P>