People come from all over the world to teach in China, and while many come with the expectation that they will not stay longer than a year or two, others come here, love it, and decide to build a career. If you are thinking that might fit in this field Finally, here are six ways to advance your career as a teacher in China

Source :. Saul Mohana 1. Find a school support

The first key to advance your teaching career in China is to find the right school. If you're new to China, or looking to jump ship, do some research and ask around. Is this a school that cultivates talent or casts out? Is this a school that cares about their teachers, encourages professional development, and even offered to pay teachers to reach the next level of qualification (yes, there are some who do)? Does the school sees itself as part of the community? Does it work to create a positive reputation or does it simply want to squeeze all the money from their students as possible?

If you are considering taking a job at a new school or language center, ask another foreign teachers on professional development opportunities. Is there coordinators, managers, bonds, and foreign heads of department, etc.? What kind of structure increase, if any, it is in place? In order to advance your career in China, you must first be in a school that values ​​professional development. If you are looking to get ahead, they are likely to lose their time in a school that does not have a system to do it. 2. Bulk your knowledge

Many things have changed in China in recent years. When I first arrived in 2009, obtaining a work visa and residence permit it was relatively easy. Future foreign teachers need no teaching credential or even a college degree, as China was hungry for foreign teachers to meet explosive demand for teaching English.

I was told by a recruiter at the time to come to China with a tourist visa, my school was later a work visa sets. Such a move would be foolish today as excess foreign teachers in China has led the government to be more selective with whom allowed. As a result, schools and language centers have also become more demanding, making a teaching career in China much more desirable and more difficult to obtain.

A major key to advancing his teaching career in China is, therefore, the increasingly important issue of certification and credentials. The need for these precious pieces of paper has changed considerably over the years, and while it may block entry to many talented teachers, but unskilled in general is a positive development. education

As schools most recognized and established standards have pushed forward, certified and experienced teachers are now the industry standard. Not likely to be always in the shadow, fly-by-night schools whose permits are paid in cigarettes and baijiu and will take anyone who can go through a qualified teacher, but this is becoming less common.

most cases, a TEFL or CELTA certification not only requires employers but necessary to apply for work and residence permit. While you can get those grades in China, I've noticed that some schools - especially the best schools in first-tier cities of China -. They are looking for certified teachers in their country of origin

For those who want to obtain or enhance their teaching credentials within China, there are several options available. You can take a local course, which will provide group instruction, private study and practical experience. Alternatively there are numerous certification programs online education based in the US and the UK that cater to both recent college graduates and teachers living abroad.

One of the advantages of these distance learning programs is that you can use your current teaching job for the components of the practical classroom of the program. The other advantage is, of course, the ease and convenience of completing a certification program online and the added advantage of being certified in their country of origin if ever decides to come back.

If you are looking to teach in a school of greater prestige and increase their income, on the ground or teaching certification online is a solid investment. 3. move to a new in your area

While the teaching of the English language is a vital and important field, it may not be for everyone. You may have to agree to teach English at first to get your foot in the door of a Chinese school, but once you've proven himself to be a master talented and conscience, to move to another topic is so generally very feasible.

The high school currently has taught in subjects like history and social studies hope to pass once I've established myself as an English teacher. I am very happy teaching English, but he like many foreigners in China, I want to expand my knowledge and experience.

moved to a new subject is a good way to advance your teaching career in China, while strengthening their CV for future employers. If your school intends to ignore your skills, qualifications and professional goals, it may be time to seek a better employer (see number 1!). 4. Consider a lateral movement

Perhaps you have taught English for a while, moved to another topic, and yet is happy with his lot. If you want to advance your career in a completely different direction, a lateral move to another apartment could be just the ticket.

There are many international schools in China that employ foreign librarians, department heads and other senior administrative staff. In training centers, alternative roles for expatriates more likely the manager of a foreign teacher or recruiting coordinator. In traditional Chinese schools and universities often there are more opportunities for lateral movements in curriculum development.

If you are teaching in China and looking for a change, it is possible to stay in education while getting out of the classroom altogether. 5. Consider changing cities

Another thing to consider is where you are living. There will always be more opportunities for progress in larger cities in China, but of course, have to balance opportunity with his salary and the cost of living. They not necessarily have to live in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou or to advance your teaching career in China, but if you find yourself sitting stagnant in some remote village, a move to a more happening place certainly does not hurt.

There are plenty of cities of second and third level offering teaching jobs recruitment and administrative subject to foreign teachers. I, for example, live in the second row of the city of Xuzhou and find that there are plenty of opportunities to broaden my experience in teaching here. 6. Promote yourself

Finally, do not be afraid to engage in a bit of shameless self-promotion. If you have TEFL or CELTA certification, nothing is lost to announce this on your social networking accounts and email sign off. If you've been teaching English for several years, make sure your CV and professional profiles are the day.

While you can not have a degree in education, is likely to have a degree in something. If you are looking to expand into other subject area, therefore, be sure to emphasize your experience applying for employment or talk to potential recruiters and employers. If you have a business degree, for example, it is possible that schools or even corporate companies you hire for business-related courses teach without a teaching degree.

Whatever your career goals are teaching, China is a great place to achieve them. Opportunities for career advancement and financial are here to take. Clearly there is a large number of schools and foreign teachers in China more than ever before, but there will always be strong and steady demand for truly reliable and competent foreign professionals. If you're in the right school, clear about your goals and expectations, and is willing to put in the work to strengthen their options, which will soon be able to separate from the pack.

Beijing,  Guangzhou,  Shanghai, 

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