While employment opportunities are abundant in China, so are the scammers ready to take advantage of expatriates moving to the Middle Kingdom for work. Scammers take advantage of anyone, whether you are an English teacher, editor, IT employee or vendor. Therefore, before accepting any job in China, be sure to carry out a thorough investigation and check your employer is legit. In this article, I bring you four ways to spot scams work in China

Source :. Mostafa meraji Dance Visa

Time as articles on this blog have stressed again and again, the only way to expatriates can legally do to work full time in China is a Z-visa. Work full time in any other type of visa is illegal, so unless your employer is willing to get a Z-visa before your arrival, you are probably the best way to look for another job. So that employees work for tourist, business or other visas "while working visa is processed" is a common scam work in China.

You may have heard stories of a friend-of-a-friend who works with a tourist visa or business. And indeed, as indicated by the state newspaper China Daily, only about one-third of the 400,000 foreign teachers were legally employed in China as recently as 2017. However, it does not matter. A working on the visa wrong, you are making yourself responsible for the arrest, fines and deportation from China.

A Canadian 24-year-old, known as "Laurel" discovered this the hard way after taking a teaching job in Beijing. The Global Times reports that she took a job in Beijing after completing his degree. As he had not yet received a physical copy of your degree (minimum requirement for a visa Chinese labor), he flew to Beijing with the promise that his new boss would be able to get his work visa later as he "knew people ". When about to start a day class one, Laurel was picked up by police, who took her for questioning. later ordered to leave China was received.

Even if your new employer He suggests that coming to China and not work while you wait for your order to be processed Z-visa, be aware that this will take a long time, usually about three months. you will have to jump through a lot of hoops before the processing of your Z visa can not even begin. All this takes time, so if you are stuck in China with no income, your savings are quickly depleted.

the alarm bells should sound if only interest your potential employer is putting China as soon as possible, no matter what the visa is. Remember that the employer may be willing to cut corners because it is more convenient and less expensive for them, but if you are caught working illegally, will be YOU who bears the brunt of the consequences. A high salaries

In short, if the salary for a job in China seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Let's take as an example ESL. A professor of English high school can earn the following based on employment recently appearing in eChinaJobs.com:

Some universities may offer a salary of RMB8,000-10,000 (USD1,000-1,400) per month, with benefits such as a free apartment. This type of salary will not bring a life of luxury in one of the first or second tier cities of China, but college jobs often have work schedules relatively light and fun holiday.

Next comes training centers and international schools. Salaries range from about 10,000 RMB to RMB25,000 (USD1,400-3,500), depending on qualifications and experience. Benefits such as accommodation, allocation of flight and can also be offered. Make no mistake, however, it is likely to be worked quite hard. training centers, in particular, usually require extra time during the school summer holidays and winter.

With several years of experience and relevant qualifications under your belt, you may be able to progress to a higher or executive master in which you can expect a higher salary. As a beginner ESL teacher, however, (or for that matter as a worker at any level, in any industry) should be careful with employers offering high sums eye of money. While some industries in China offer slightly higher wages to expatriates than they could get at home, the difference will not normally amount to thousands of dollars a month. Note too, that you suggest paying cash "under the table", as this will can bring legal problems when it comes to paying taxes in China. "service fees" Upfront

This is a common scam in which employers demand money to new employees before their arrival in China. Applicants can be informed that the "service fee" (or however this is written) is required to process your work visa or just for other administrative expenses.

This happened to a group of English teachers from South Africa, who were attracted to China's promise of teaching positions that pay RMB20,000-50,000 (USD2,800-7,000) per month. Before his departure, the scammer demanded a down payment of between USD1,700 and USD3,400 "ensure everything has gone well." But the scam did not stop there. Although teachers began work on arrival in China, although still only tourist visas, their salaries are paid directly to the agency that recruited them. The agency will then give teachers only part of his salary, claiming that the rest is spent on obtaining work visas.

Ultimately, there was no legal channels teachers could drop to remedy the situation as they had been working illegally on tourist visas. Such history only serves to emphasize the importance of getting a Z-visa prior to arrival in China. When the authorities found out what was happening, teachers were placed under house arrest and were told they could face charges. They were later allowed to return home after recruiting the help of a legal organization in South Africa

The advice on paying money in advance before arrival in China for work is simple :. Do not do it. While you may be expected to pay for the documents you need to stay safe for your visa in your home country, you should never ask for a potential money from the employer. Once you have handed over a chunk of cash in good faith, there is no guarantee that the money was used for the intended purpose. If your potential employer is demanding money, find another job. incomplete Reputation

After a review of an employer's reputation is by no means an exact science. However, it is worth doing due diligence.

The simplest way to check the reputation of a potential employer is doing a simple search on Google. This can lead to a lot of feedback, comments, blogs and more from current and former employees or. Take your time to read through them, but being on both the source and accuracy of the information read. After all, you could be reading a diatribe full of rage of a dismissed employee dissatisfaction or good reviews written by human resources staff of the company.

Aside from Google, ask your potential employer to put you in touch with some current employees expatriates. Ask as many questions as you need to see. They are legally working in a Z-visa? Do you have the extra time employer demand without additional payment? Anything that seems.

If you're constantly running into criticism and comments pointing to malpractices by your potential employer, think carefully about accepting a job with them. In the same way, if they are reluctant to give contact details of current expatriate employees, it might have something to hide.

Fraudsters will stop at nothing to take advantage of expatriates willing to move to China for work. They know very well that most will be familiar with Chinese labor laws and therefore are ripe for harvest. While China is full of opportunities for foreign employment, remain vigilant against scams work will help you determine what opportunities are right for you.


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