So you've landed a job teaching English in China. Now what? There is, of course, a lot of information out. Part of it is alarming, some of which attract, and some of it just plain weird. What follows is a guide that will hopefully help future teachers sort through the noise and get the real story on what to expect in his first job as an English teacher in China. Having been once in this position myself, I'm sure I can shed some light on what can be a very daunting prospect. Here are seven things you should know before his first teaching job in China p>
Source :. Kimberly Farmer p> 1. Where do you want to live p> First, decide where you want to live. China is a vast country with a wide variety of cities, towns and rural areas. His experience will naturally be worlds apart depending on whether the center of Shanghai or an isolated mountain village is chosen. P> accustom If you come from a highly developed country and want the basic comforts of life that you have made, you may be better in a city first large floor, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen or Guangzhou where there is better infrastructure and most recognizable western culture. If you are one of those strong souls who wants a "real" Chinese experience, however, there are hundreds of small towns and villages that are always looking for foreign teachers. In a big city, it can be largely ignored. In a rural village, you'll Beatles. Forewarned is forearmed! P> 2. What kind of games language school p> China's educational landscape is as varied as its geography. There are public schools, private schools, and the ever-present language centers / training. Public schools, as the name implies, are backed by the state, so the teachers here are technically employed by the Chinese government. Private and international schools are often run by large corporations with a subsidiary of education. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but something to consider. Most reputable private schools can be part of a larger network of schools and colleges. The lower reputation may be led by a mining conglomerate shadows. P> The language centers and training centers seem to sprout from the earth in cities across China. They are extremely profitable and cheaper to maintain - almost anyone with a little initial capital can open - and so pervasive and most likely landing spot for your first teaching job in China. Many of them are working perfectly possible places. Some, however, are as crooked as the Yangtze River. P> 3. The importance of due diligence p> This brings us to the importance of due diligence. Do your research before accepting a position at any school or training center. While there are many wonderful places to teach in China, unfortunately, there are also more than a few schools unscrupulous fly-by-night are. It's up to you to carry out due diligence on a prospective employer. It's a little extra work up front can save you a big headache down the road. P> Go online, read reviews and talk with former employees. English teachers are a place next batch, so it should not be too difficult to get the skinny on a school. And of course, the absence of an online presence is its own kind of warning. In the interview, ask to talk to current teachers. Any school that puts you in touch with your current staff is more likely a decent, or at the least an honest person, firm. P> 4. The importance of the contract p> Read, reread and reread again before signing the contract. If it's your first job as an English teacher in China, you may be eager to sign the contract and start working, but do not forget to read the fine print! I sure you get your salary and benefits such as free housing, health insurance, and flights home, writing on his contract. Do not be seduced by potentially higher bonuses because they can not materialize. Instead, get a concrete answer on his base salary and housing allowance. P> It is possible, however, that even in a good school will have to repeatedly ask for things that are detailed in the contract. This, unfortunately, is normal, so that speaks for itself. Also note that only the Chinese version of the contract is legally binding, so make sure the translation is correct before signing. P> 5. Be aware of cultural differences p> Although it is likely that other foreign teachers at their school, most likely working with a predominantly Chinese staff. While the challenges that come along with this may seem obvious, those beginning their first job teaching English in China should read the whole thing. The user will be the outsider, the newcomer, abroad - and the Chinese, though often very friendly, not shy about labeling as such. work culture here is also likely to be very different from what we are used to. P> It is likely that feel marginalized and frustrated at times, but remember that you are on your own ground. If a conflict arises, be sure to deal with it in a culturally sensitive manner. Minimize face to face confrontation and always follow the proper channels resolution. This could be a foreign manager, a local manager, or in some cases the head of the school. In my experience, conflicts at work are almost always the result of a lack of cultural awareness and nothing else. Be open-minded, accepting and calm will go a long way to help prevent any fall out. P> 6. Prepare for parents p> Be prepared to interact with a lot of children and many parents of children. While aggressive Asian parents stereotype is a bit overused, Chinese parents take an active interest in their children's academic progress. It is likely to meet with and report back regularly to parents in schools, while some language centers allow parents in the classroom with younger students. P> They will approach you, ask questions, and often give gifts whenever they have the opportunity. No need to be fluent in Chinese, but it is necessary to be fluent in abashed gestures and smiles. After all, the customer is always right, and China's school system, parents are the customer. P> 7. Enjoy the journey p> Do not forget to enjoy! You will be in a distant land, exploring countries with more history, agitated, strange and beautiful in the world. You will hear a new language, meet new people, and eat exotic foods, sometimes if we mean to or not. Stop and Smell chlorofluorocarbons! P> China can be a magical place. They come with an open mind and you can begin to understand why so many teachers reach their first job teaching English in China end up staying for years. P>