There are many reasons why you might be tempted to have a dog as an expat living in China. You have found a wonderful partner and you take your first step on the way to a family. You had a dog in their home country and forget to have one around. You saw a dog in desperate need of adoption and wants to help. All these reasons are understandable, and even recommended in some cases. But before committing, here are eight reasons why you should not have a dog as an expat living in China. P>
p> 1. Many residents are afraid of dogs
Although pets are increasingly popular in China, there are many neighbors who are afraid of dogs yet, especially the older generation. This stems partly from the fact that when they were younger they are only found with watchdogs aggressive or dirty street, but also because thousands of people used to die from rabies every year here and China is not yet completely free from 100% horrible and fatal virus. P>
As such, there is a lot of its neighbors adversely react to your dog. They refuse to share an elevator with you if you have your dog with you, and jump out of the way and scream when they meet on the street. Or small children will do the same or persecution and yell at your dog as if it were some kind of wild animal. P>
All this just going to scare your dog and make him more nervous, which in turn can make it seem more unpredictable and aggressive. What should be a pleasant walk with your dog sometimes it can become a relaxing stressful event. P> 2. Most accommodation is small
Unless your dog is a small breed or who are lucky enough to live in a villa, its housing in China is probably not ideal for a dog. Most expats in China live in one-room apartments without private garden p>
Especially when your dog is likely to spend most of his time alone in the apartment -. More on this later - the size of your accommodation is critical. There are few things sadder than a boring Golden Retriever roam around a small apartment all day. P> 3. workings hours are long
We all work hard in China and the hours are typically long. Many of us have to leave earlier for our trips to work and it is not uncommon to work overtime until late at night or roped into long business dinners. If we're lucky, we get our weekends free, but it is not uncommon to have to put in some hours on a Saturday either. Those in certain sectors can even work the dreaded 996. P>
Meanwhile, his dog sat alone at home for 12 hours a day or more, looking at the door waiting to return . By the time he does get home, you're probably too tired to give your dog a long walk or play with it for a good amount of time. You will also feel guilty if you want to go out and socialize or go to the gym. It's not just about you and it's not fair on the dog. P> 4. The summers are hot
For much of China, means brutal summer temperatures and humidity awful. In Guangdong, for example, temperatures can reach 37 ° C and humidity until shoots over the 8th%. It can get so bad that the time off, your clothes are soaked with sweat. P>
Now imagine walking in that heat in a giant fur coat, because that's what it feels like for a dog. Always relative to see a giant fluffy Husky panting and moving slowly as he went on a scorching summer day. There is a reason why these dogs are not native to China, but also for other breeds of summer temperatures can be debilitating. P> 5. Lack of space with the dog
One of the great joys of having a dog is being able to go for long walks together, exploring the outdoors in national parks or go to the beach to swim . Even when only taking him to the local bar, is that sense of company that makes having such a special dog. P>
The problem in China is that there is a growing lack of public spaces with the dog. Most large cities have banned dogs from parks, and while there may be one or two officially designated "dog parks", usually dogs must be kept on a leash at all times. The vast majority of China's beaches and national parks allow dogs either. P>
Basically, you are in the situation where you can just walk your dog on the streets of concrete around your neighborhood and never let them off leash to run and play freely without breaking local laws . That's not the kind of life a dog. P> 6. Dogs are the legal responsibilities
People say that having a dog is a big commitment, and they are right. But in China, which it is a legal responsibility, too. There are strict laws of dogs in most cities to follow if you do not want to expose themselves to be sued or worse. P>
First, you are legally required to register your dog with the local authorities in most large cities of China. This involves vaccination and registering your dog to an address of each year in order to receive a permit. This will not only cost you money every year, but only able to register a dog home and in some cities will be enforced restrictions on size and breed. If you can not or can not register your dog and you are stopped by the police, who can take your pet away even have to be destroyed. P>
Second, unfortunately there are people out there who will take care of your dog exploit for financial gain. They can fake injuries, tell your dog them and demand money attacked by hospital expenses and loss of income. This could be another delivery of a package at your door or someone past on the street. Finally, there are rare cases of criminals who steal pet dogs in order to develop a reward / rescue their owners or even sell them for meat. Owning a dog has never been so stressful and potentially costly. P> 7. Travel arrangements are difficult
trip is usually a big part of the lives of expatriates here in China. Whether you are working in education and have a long vacation in the winter and summer or work in manufacturing and have to take frequent business trips, it all adds up to a lot of time away from your dog. Even if you are willing to accept leave your dog so often, make arrangements for them during the trip can be a real headache. P>
You may be tempted to ask for help from a friend, but this can be a very messy solution. With legal responsibilities outlined above, is a big question for your friend and also a risk to you. The only really viable option is to find a kennel, but many of these businesses are only pet shops that will keep your dog in a small cage all day and only take them out for a walk once or twice. All this is likely to stress your dog's behavior problems and create long term. P>
There are good kennels available in most large cities of China, which have large spaces for dogs to sleep and fields safer for them to run into a couple of times a day. The problem with these places is that they tend to be very expensive, with a day costs about the same as a night in a budget hotel. Ask yourself if you want to pay several thousand RMB more for every holiday you take. P> 8. Sooner or later, is likely to go
It may be a couple of years, may be five, but chances are that no matter how long you stay in China, which eventually will go away. Move entire life is quite difficult at best, but it becomes much more complicated and stressful when you have to factor in a dog too. P>
a dog move between countries is a long and complicated process. Vaccines must be made, the chips must be inserted, charging points on flights must be booked, and there is sometimes a long quarantine period to the end of it. a minimum of three months preparation time to take a dog outside China and is also very expensive is needed. P>
Unfortunately, some foreigners are forced to leave China in a very short term or in exceptional circumstances, which means they can not take their dogs with them. Find a new home for a dog is painful for both the owner and the animal. Having a dog can be a wonderful experience, but expatriates living in China need to think long and hard before taking the plunge. P>
Do you have a dog in China? Tell us about your experience below. P>