PEKIN -. China has made significant progress in promoting the efficiency of the civil process through its new pilot program, according to a report of the Standing Committee of the Congress Thursday National People p>
More than 25 percent of simple accepted by the courts civil cases pilot in 20 cities at prefecture level during the first three quarters of this year were resolved by mediation before litigation, the report on improving civil award to ensure economic and social sustainable development and healthy. P>
More than 57 percent of cases were concluded in about 51 days on average through the abbreviated procedure, only half of the statutory period of testing, the report said. P>
Court of the Supreme People began a pilot in January to explore new ways to manage simple civil cases, after separating these cases more complicated ones program. P>
according to the plan, selected cuts can expand the scope of agreements eligible mediation ju dicial confirmation, raise the threshold for small claims cases, apply the simplified procedure and the system single-judge more cases and improve standards for testing online, without changing the current law of civil procedure. P>
The pilot program will last two years. P>