Here is a general packing list that you may wish to consult as you are preparing to come to China. Keep in mind that although American airlines limit baggage to 50 pounds per piece of luggage, Asian weight limitations are 20 kg/bag (approximately 44 pounds). Remember that international flights allow you to bring more luggage than domestic flights. However, you should focus only on the essentials and items you can't buy whilst in China.


Pack comfortable clothing. Search climate information about the city you’re going to, usually north China is very cold in winter, south China can also get cold (and many buildings in southern China are not heated during the winter). Generally, the whole of China is very hot during the summer months so you'll need your summer clothes even if you're going to the very North of the country.

Pack comfortable shoes (and probably enough pairs to get you through your time in China). Especially for those who are larger than average in terms of size, bring an extra pair of shoes and some extra clothes, Chinese shoes size are usually smaller than Europe’s. You may not be able to purchase anything that fits you in China. 


All the prescription drugs that you think you will need. Some drugs may not be found in the drugstore or it can cost a lot more than back home, such as vitamins. If you have allergies, definitely bring your medicine. The air quality is not always great in the cities in China, and many people smoke so if you have any medical conditions please consult your GP at home and prepare suitable medication for your trip.


All the required documents (Originals) including your BA, TEFL/TESOL, Marriage License (if necessary), Medical Checkup report, Photocopies of documentation and passport should be left with your family or responsible person/s back home.

Daily necessities

We recommend you to bring your laptop with you – There's plenty of wifi hotspots and you'll find it very useful for phone calls back to your hometown using Skype, which is far cheaper than calling with your cell phone. 

Buy some RMB Chinese money before you come to get you through the first few days in China. The rest of your money should be in your currency back home and you can change this easily and at the best rate in the Bank of China to RMB. 

Your toothbrush, Dental Floss, Shampoo, Blow Dryer and all the things you will need in your daily life. 

Bring a battery and moving recharger, if your phone battery dies, you can use it for emergency. 


China,  Bring,  Should,  Shoes,  Phone,  Packing,  Consult,  Pounds,  Luggage,  Flights,  Comfortable,  Going,  Usually,  North,  Winter,  During,  Summer,  Clothes,  Through,  Extra,  Chinese,  Drugs,  Medical,  Money,  Battery,  Suitcase,  Coming,  Teach,  English,  General,  Preparing,  Although,  American,  Airlines,  Limit,  Baggage,  Piece,  Asian,  Weight,  Limitations,  Approximately, 

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Image of A Typical Day Teaching at a Public School in China
A Typical Day Teaching at a Public School in China

As I sit here reminiscing about my time teaching in China, the memories come flooding back like a tidal wave: bustling school corridors, eager studen

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