It is worrisome easy bad habits develop when living as an expatriate in China. At the same time, it is very difficult to recognize bad habits you've already purchased. If you are new to China or a veteran expatriate, watch these bad habits and do not let them get their claws on. P>
Photo Bruno Kelzer p>
1. Based on local to speak Chinese to you p>
When you first arrive in China, language can be overwhelming, completely. Nothing makes sense and feels like the more you learn, the more difficult to understand. But wherever you live as an expatriate in China, you will have a certain level of Mandarin in order to function in your daily life, if you have serious issues to deal with, how to get your visa renewed or negotiate with your landlord, or more trivial things, like call a taxi, order lunch or purchase items online. P>
in those early days in China, it is completely understandable that you can ask a local friend or colleague to help. At some point, all we ask someone to speak to our driver to give instructions to help quickly translate a message, or contact a seller on Taobao. P>
The problem arises when, instead of starting to learn the language itself or at least arm yourself with translation tools, which become more and more dependent on their Chinese friends for help. His whole life begins to revolve around the people who help you; whenever you need to talk to its owner, whenever you want to buy something online, whenever you order lunch at the office. P>
It's okay to ask for help, but do not become dependent on others. If today in this sticky trap, try to wean yourself off gradually. an aspect of his life that depend on other people and work on your Chinese in this area look. You probably can not change everything at once, but you'd be surprised how much you can accomplish if you take one step at a time and try to deal with things yourself. P>
2. Complaining of life in China p>
Many foreigners in China experienced quite a culture shock upon arrival. No he denies. We often see things that we do not agree, if it is as simple as the way people drive, line up or even talk on the phone, the most serious differences as how people treat animals or react when see accidents or crimes. The question is not whether what foreigners complain that is right or wrong. It is complain about it at all. P>
There are few things more annoying than listening to an immigrant thrown sitting in the pub complaining about the millionth time about how nobody knows how to drive in China or the old Chinese folk long tail cut. We've heard it all many times before, we probably experienced all too often, but complain that we will not make any difference. All it does is fill your day with negativity and bring down those around you. P>
So if you are in this spiral in which China is constantly complaining, ask yourself seriously how good it is doing for you. Whenever you are about to complain about something, ask what you will accomplish this and saying if people really want to hear about. P>
It is not whether you are right or wrong in what you say. This is decide if you want that kind of negativity in your life. P>
3. Eating out all the time p>
It is very easy to eat or order all the time in China. Too easy, in fact. On the one hand, local food is amazing, there are kitchens increasingly international opening all the time, and the various applications make delivery dangerously convenient and affordable. P>
On the other hand, many foreigners in China live very fast-paced and socially active life and it's just much easier to eat out. At the time of finishing the job in the afternoon, they do not necessarily have the time or energy to cook. And on weekends, there is always some event or someone's birthday. P>
Even if you're doing something outside, stay home and cook for yourself is just not fun. What all this adds up to a lot of money spent when you go and a lot of wasted plastic be when you order. Not to mention you really have no idea what's going on in your body. P>
It is not easy, but try to schedule in the kitchen once or twice a week at home. To help motivate, plan to cook something that usually do not get to eat, like a favorite recipe from his childhood. If you need more motivation, invite some friends to join you. In this way it is much harder for you to rescue cooking at the last moment. Once the cooking bug, you will be surprised how much you start eating at home, and also the amount of money you can potentially save. P>
4. to let slide health p>
It is not always easy for foreigners to stay in shape in China. The while delicious local food can be very fat, and tends to be a lot of socialization and as a result, drinking. Working hours are long, leaving little time or motivation to exercise at the end of the day. It's not really surprising that a lot of immigrants earn a significant amount of weight in their first year in China. The hard truth is that more effort and commitment to stay fit is needed here. P>
One way to combat this is to join a gym and go before work in the morning. While it will be difficult to get up earlier to the beginning, soon enter the rhythm and feeling is energy for the whole day after your workout. If you are not a gym bunny, you may initially struggle to find sports teams (unless, like basketball or badminton). But if you look closely, there is sure to be a sports group that interests you in every major city in China. Check around on Facebook, ask WeChat groups, or just talk to people. Eventually, you will find what you are looking for. P>
You can also assume that because we live in concrete jungles giants such there is no place to run or swim. But do a little research on local parks or swimming centers because local governments have been putting more and more funds in these areas in recent years. If you can find a park that like to run him or get into the habit of swimming once or twice a week, it will make a world of difference to your health and general welfare. P>
5. Being addicted to Taobao p>
The bad habit latter is perhaps the simplest, but perhaps the hardest to kick. Taobao: we all like it, might as well admit it. Is so wrapped up in our lives that no matter what questions people ask in China, the answer somehow be "Taobao." P>
While it is certainly not an unmatched selection and fantastic value to be had, Taobao can be a slippery slope. Not only your finances are depleted without even realizing what you're spending, but when you buy things online you can easily source of neighborhood shops, you are taking also effectively money from the pockets of the community. P>
You should start worrying when you are looking at the application chance or picking a small tower of packages every day of the delivery box outside your building. Reducing its dependence on Taobao can be difficult, but try being fixed strict limits and still meet them. Before making any purchase, ask yourself if you really need and, if so, if it is not locally. Set a monthly budget of how much you can spend on the application. Taobao dependence is hard to kick, but thank you when you return home and can no longer rely on him for everything. P>
What other bad habits they have picked up in China? Tell us about them in the comments section. P>