
History or Social Studies Teacher

2022-07-03 Taiwan Taipei 110 Taiwan Taipei
Jul-03-2022 - Taipei

NTD 63840 to 84000 per month  - Full Time


Middle School Social Studies or High School History

Middle School Social Studies

Students in grades 6-8 at Grace Christian Academy receive one 45-55 minute Social Studies class per day; the same scheduling priority as math and science.  Classes are conducted only in English.  The curriculum currently used is as follows.

Grade 6 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 2019 Western World Geography

Grade 7 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 2019 Eastern World Geography

Grade 8 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 2018 United States History

The teaching schedule includes two daily classes for each grade level.  Class size is rarely more than 12 students: sometimes as small as 5 students per class.  Enrollment for August 2022 is not expected to exceed 65 middle school students.  The students are divided by grade level and within that group, subdivided according to reading levels.  There are two class per grade level; students in one of the classes have a greater English language proficiency as the other class, however, the same materials and the same syllabi are used for both classes.  The students are separated by reading levels so as to facilitate the adjustment of teaching strategies for fluent and non-fluent English speakers.  Other duties include sharing supervision of study halls, lunch, and detention with the other middle school teachers, as well as standard meetings and parent contacts.

 Grace Christian Academy in Taipei, Taiwan is an International School, founded in 1998, with more than 180 students and 30 faculty members, primarily from the US. Qualified teachers must have a heart to share the Gospel. Airfare and housing are provided along with the salary. Our teachers are not missionaries, but full-time career professionals who see God use their skills to affect children for today and for eternity. Send resume to Bonnie Chow, [email protected].


High School History

Students in grades 9-12 at Grace Christian Academy are required to pass at least four courses of History/Social Sciences.  Classes meet for 45-55 minutes per day.  Classes are conducted only in English.  The curriculum currently used is as follows.

Civics- Holt Rinehart and Winston, Civics in Practice Principles of Government and Economics, 2009 Gregory Massing, typically presented to grade 9 students, however, not limited to grade 9 students.

World History- World History Human Legacy, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Harcourt Education, 2008, a survey course typically presented to grade 10 students, however, not limited to grade 10 students.  Certain teachers elected to extend the course into a two year plan.  Currently it is a one year course.

Psychology- Psychology Principles in Practice, Holt McDougal 2010 Spencer Rathus. limited to students in grades 11 and 12.

US History-The Americans, McDougal Littell 2009 limited to students in grades 11 and 12.

Class size is typically under 12 students.  The last teacher, who has been moved into administration, taught 6 classes, with 3 different course preparations, for a total of 42 students.  The largest class had 11 students and the smallest had 4 students.  The Psychology class is not likely to be included in the assignment, but that is negotiable. 





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