command of English is an important indicator of social status in China, so many Chinese parents want their children to start learning as soon as possible. Students as young as two and three usually start with some basic English in kindergarten. If you are new to teaching ESL or have limited experience with this age group, here are seven tips for teaching English to very young children.

1. Implementation and follow clear lesson plan

Whether you're business teaching English to adults or very basic English students garden infants, each ESL lesson requires planning. This is doubly important in teaching English for the younger ones, such as children, especially young children, the routine necessity.

Always start and end the lesson in the same way. One could start with a "hello" song with the end with a song "Goodbye", or perhaps start by asking each student to tell his English name (if available). This in itself can be a challenge for very young children, so it is worth repeating each lesson. You could also start by having students answer some basic instructions such as "stand", "sit", "hear", "be quiet", etc.

Make sure that each lesson has a target language and theme. The first for three year olds usually does not go beyond the current simple sentences, for example, "My name is (English name)" or "It's a (vocabulary point)." For the latter, they can be taught vocabulary of basic colors and toys. Remember to keep the minimum vocabulary, perhaps no more than four new words per lesson. Your goal should be to have each student a simple sentence (three or four words), using the vocabulary target the end of the lesson.

2. Keep it simple good

Make use of the method of the current practice and food. First, the teacher must present the target language and vocabulary, perhaps clapping syllables of phrases and make students repeat, or showing students cards. Then students practice the target language, perhaps with a simple game that involves answering questions from the teacher. Finally, have students produce their own language.

could also include an activity where students ask questions simple. For younger students, this probably will not be more than ask the name of the other or, "What is this?"

Remember that young children have short attention sections and sometimes take a long time to enjoy very little information. Do not worry about repeating things over and over again. In fact, the more your repeating things, they get faster.

3. Enter class rules

Do not be afraid to be a little strict with her young students (without scaring them, of course). In any classroom, students need to understand some basic rules established by the teacher. Without them, the lessons can become chaotic and children unable to learn.

When teaching English to very young students, you should probably limit their discipline first two or three basic rules, such as not speaking Chinese in class without running. After that you can enter basic instructions too. Get students to put their fingers on their lips to indicate "be quiet" and to cup his ears to indicate "listen". In this way students will know what to do when they see these actions from the master.

Make sure your students also know what the consequences are if the rules are not followed. Perhaps you are having a reward system where each student begins the lesson with five stars. Every time they do something good, reward them with a star. If they do something wrong or do not follow the rules, take away a star. Perhaps you reward the winner with a prize at the end of each lesson or weeks. It's really up to you how. Just make sure your students are clear rules and consequences of breaking them.

4. Use classifies language and a lot of actions

Again, just remember how young students are. Put yourself in their shoes. Three years old and their parents who sent to learn Chinese with a teacher who makes all the lesson in Chinese. Chances are you will not learn much unless the teacher speaks slowly, grade level language and uses a lot of actions to elicit meaning.

While planning class, think about how you extract the meaning of each item of vocabulary. For example, you can claim to be leading to teach them the word "car". Or for the word "ball", it is possible to pretend (or actually) throwing a ball - you get the picture. Do the same for instructions. Make sure that when you say "stand" which stands up out of his chair. Or when you tell students to "listen" to put his hand behind his ear.

Then think about how to build vocabulary questions and answers. A simple way to do this is to produce a flash memory card or an object and ask, "What is this?" while shrugging to make it clear that this is a question. Then answer the question, have students repeat and applause out each syllable of the sentence, for example, "It's a ball."

5. Use games

ESL students, especially very young children, can not simply be sent to learn. Children do not work that way. Instead, you need to make your classes fun and interesting (sometimes teachers forget this), or as a former colleague told me, you need to "trick" children in learning.

For each lesson, ensure you have a game of cards and some simple games on the list. These are particularly useful for practice and produce stages of their lesson. Simple ideas for games are as follows:

-Flashcard bowling, in which students roll a ball and say the vocabulary theme in the flash memory card arriving

musical chairs in. he who is without a seat must appoint a vocabulary item.

-Flashcard jump, in which students given the roll (preferably the soft cancellous Giants) and must jump to the flash memory card of the corresponding number.

Be sure to clearly explain the rules of each game before students start to play. If you have a teaching assistant, demonstrating the game with them first.

6. Bookwork has its place

Even in teaching English to very young children, bookwork and worksheets can be employed. While students will probably be unable to write the letters of the alphabet, which will be able to do things like coloring, cutting (with suitable for young children scissors) and paste. This will help develop their particularly important motor skills at this age, and give them a much needed break from the more intense parts of the lesson.

Remember, however, to practice the language at this stage of the lesson well. You can do this by simply pointing to pictures of each item of vocabulary and ask students to name them or asking them what colors they are using. Either way, make sure that this stage has at least some emphasis on the production of the target language and vocabulary.

Remember also that the bookwork section of the lesson is an opportunity for students to rest. If you have a lesson in one hour, you may want to include this as his last activity. Think of it as a kind of cooling.

7. Use your assistant wisely

While ESL teachers should target students immerse themselves in English, ie, a lesson not translated into the Chinese nothing, we all know that there occasions when this is not possible. If you are teaching English to very young students, their school or language center will give hope to a Chinese native assistant (TA). Translation technical assistant should be the last resort, however, and would recommend them only when students do not understand something after three attempts, or if there is an emergency in the classroom.

Remember also that young children require a lot of care, so your TA may be required to do things like get students to sit still in their chairs or take them to the bathroom, etc. Again, it bears repeating that his technical assistant can also be very useful to help demonstrate games, activities and instructions.

Here are some suggestions for teaching English for youngsters in China. I still get the jaw drop of a response when I tell people I have taught ESL students as young as two and three. the learning of their students probably just says its English name, some colors and some toys. However, when you see students produce themselves this language, it is possible that teaching this age group can be very rewarding.

Students,  Lesson,  English,  Young,  Children,  Teaching,  Vocabulary,  Language,  Simple,  Start,  Three,  Basic,  Rules,  Chinese,  Perhaps,  Target,  Remember,  Teacher,  Assistant,  Possible,  Repeating,  Instructions,  First,  Should,  Practice,  Produce,  Probably,  Things,  Without,  Learn,  Games,  Learning,  Student,  Example,  Colors,  Questions,  Again,  Actions,  Reward,  Something,  Think, 

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